That’s right, I know you are all wondering where the heck we have been. Well, there isn’t really one answer – there are many – in fact, there are so many that I am just gonna make a pass at the major 2-3 reasons….so, for all those interested, here it goes…

Losing Jess left us all lost...

Losing Jess left us all lost…

  • Jess one of the founding Chicks with Ticks being diagnosed with cancer and dying after only some months leaving us all a little shaken, lost, and unfocused
  • The slow separation of the field team – Kristen becoming a project manager, and Josh and I the field team.
  • Lastly – Me leaving our company to join a smaller company who actually builds the streams we design.

There are other, smaller reasons, add a little winter laziness, a bunch of kids, some amount of relationship changes for the better and a whole lot of life and you get – well, a lull!

I apologize from my heart. This blog has kept be sane for almost 3 years. Your fellowship and support has kept the lights on in the darkness. It has continued to be my distinct pleasure to share with you all the joys, trials and tribulations of what we do…BUT….now, I want to share with you….

Jacque leaves after almost 10 years!

Jacque leaves after almost 10 years!

A NEW BEGINNING…one which takes us all in different directions all paths crossing at different angles, all experiences new and exciting. So, if you have the strength and courage to continue to stand by us as we push on in the journey – well, grab on folks….it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!

Next installment will be the introduction of new characters and roles!!