I know what you’re thinking, ”hey, Jacque, What happens when function meets fashion?” Well, I am here to tell you all about it. You all know what a fashionista I am in my snake boots and pigtails. It’s a gift, what can I say?

Well, after spending the last 20 years in the wilds of Florida (and other long reaching locales), it has become apparent that we need to confess our fashion sins. Kristen and I spent many a day wandering and studying the secret cracks of the Florida swamps in….wait for it……wait for it……..wait for it……..


That’s right folks. I even wear men’s underwear in the field. It’s been a long standing secret that we tromp around in the woods wearing men’s wear. You may ask us why. You may ponder what that even looks like. You might just think to yourself that we are weird anyway so it makes perfect sense.

Well, it’s for very practical reasons I assure you. Men’s pants have deep pockets. Men’s boots are taller. Men’s underwear don’t show your bum when bugs run up your pant leg. Men’s shirts have more function and less fancy. In short – men’s clothing are better suited for what we do.

What am I gonna do about it? Keep wearing it? NOPE. We are beginning to design a lone of outdoor apparel with the functionality for women who work in the water and wilds. What the heck…we have nothing else to lose. Lost keys falling out of shallow pockets in my girlie pants – ripped many a girlie shirt, got bitten and chased in girlie boots…..it’s about time we fixed this!

So, keep your eyes and ears open for what’s to come….a line of outdoor & work clothes for women who get wet and dirty. If you know us, you know they will be badass. Now, stop reading my blog and get out there and be adventurous – GO ANYWHERE.